AND Resurrection Team bio photo

AND Resurrection Team

Frequently asked questions

General questions

What is a A New Dawn ?
A New Dawn is an expansion mod for Civilization IV, sometimes abbreviated AND, RAND, AND2 or ROM:AND.

Will the game play slow on my computer ?
If you can run Beyond the Sword, this expansion should work flawlessly.

Will you add feature X to the game ?
Please suggest your idea on the forum.

What features will be in your next version?
The extension is in stabilisation phase, but it can integrate new features. If any, announcements will be on the forum.

Is A New Dawn available in any other languages than English?
Yes. Please refer to this link.

Does the expansion work on a Mac?
Not on the official Mac version. Maybe through Wine emulation of the Windows version, but it’s untested.

Does the expansion work on Linux?
Yes, through Wine, but… there’s no official documentation to install it yet. Informations can be found HERE and HERE. Please give feedback on this thread.

If I want to send you a donation, where do I send it?
The mod team can not take donations, but if you feel obligated to pay for this mod, send a donation to Amnesty International. The best you can do to help is to give your feedback and translate the game.

Installation problems

When I press Launch Civilization IV in the launcher, nothing happens.
Firstly, please report your experience on the forum. Secondly, try to tick “Launch the mod with the game by default” in the options.

I started up my game, but nothing appears different!
Check the civilopedia for a new section at the end labeled “A New Dawn Concepts”. If it is there, everything installed correctly. If not, be sure you installed everything correctly.

When I tried to install A New Dawn, I got an error message that said “bad end of central directory record”
This occurs when the download of the offline installer is interrupted, which can happen for a variety of reasons. Redownload the mod and try again.

Graphical problems

I installed A New Dawn correctly, but in game, the terrain flickers and is black!
The new graphic algorithm shouldn’t have bug, if you get a graphical problem, please report on the forum.

When I start the game up, the interface is all gone! I can’t select anything!
This occurs with bad installs. Make sure you’ve carefully followed the installation instructions.


I think I found a bug in A New Dawn, what do I do?
Our team is composed, mainly, of humans. We make mistakes. So please report the bug on the forum thread ! A screenshot and/or a save, along with your ANewDawn.log (located in “My Documents/Beyond the Sword/Logs/”) would also be helpful.

Mod configuration

Where can i configure all the options ?
There are three ways to choose features in this expansion:
  • In the launcher: Just open it, go to options. There you can find graphical options (interface color, terrain textures, formations,…).
  • When you are going to start a new game: When you load the mod, go to Custom Game to start a new game, then select the features / options that you want to activate. Note that there is an explanation popup for each option when you hover the mouse over a tickbox.
  • Directly in-game: Once you’ve loaded a game, click on the ladybird icon at the upper left of the screen (or press CTRL + ALT + O) and wait for the window to open. There are three differents types of parameters in the various tabs:
    1. RevDCM allows you to configure all the aspects relative to the revolutions, barbarian civilizations, dynamic civilization naming, etc.
    2. A New Dawn contains all the options that should affect all other aspects of the gameplay and some graphical options.
    3. All the other tabs are used to configure all the graphical aspects of the interface (from the BUG project)

What if I don’t like some of your features, can I play without them?
Absolutely! Just choose what you like and play.